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Can't translate modules anymore - help

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I am using two prestashops firsone is old 1.2.5 and last one is Both are on the same server. With newer one I started to get this error message:


Warning, your hosting provider limits the maximum number of fields to post in a form:


for max_input_vars

Please ask your hosting provider to increase the suhosin post and request limit to


at least. or edit the translation file manually.


The translations are working great on old version.



Can someone please help to solve this problem? I ve been trying many things found on the forum but nothing helped.



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the message is telling you exactly what you need to do. there are likely less than 1000 fields to translate in v1.2.5


ask your host to increase the max_input_vars setting to 1300. they are likely not going to do this however, but you have to ask

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Hosting provider explained that it is security issue if they increase max_input_vars. The only solution is to have own VPS server and not shared hosting which is 5 -8 times more expensive.


Is there any other solution, I am totaly lost now and handicaped because of this.



What did others do about this.



kind regards,


Tine Oblak

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only work around I am familiar with is to install a copy of your site locally (start reading up on WAMP). you could install it, change the parameter to your liking, update all the translations, and then export the translations. then import them into your store.


if this is something you are not comfortable doing, I can offer my services, however I do charge for my services. You can send me a PM if you are interested.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We don't have suhosin installed, and

max_input_vars is set to 1216.

However we receive the same error:

Warning, your hosting provider limits the maximum number of fields to post in a form:


for max_input_vars

Version installed: It seems a bug, I have found it on bug tracker.

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