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Problem installing prestashop

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I have some problems installing prestashop.
On the first setup page "System and permissions" everyting is the way i should be.
On the second setup page "Database configuration" i see that prestashop is not installing the database like other programs do, but i have to do this myself, no problem for me, i have done it many thimes.

The name of the server is localhost, just like it shows in the field, no change here.
I made a database with the name "prestashop", so the next field kan also be left the way it is.
I made a user account with the name prestashop and a password 12345
In the login flield i fill in "prestashop" and in the password field i fill in "12345"
i Connected the database with the user.

One assumes it wil work by klicking on "verivy now!" but the following text is appearing.

Database server was not found. Please verify the login, password, and database server name fields.

Can sombody help me to solve this problem.

Greetings, Bertil.

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I have been experiencing the same problem.

I created the MySQL database.

But when I tried to verify it, I got the same error message.

I got in touch with support people of the company hosting my PretaShop copy and the database is alright.

Any thoughts as to how to make it work?

Otherwise, I will never be able to use PretaShop, bad news to me.



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Say "Good bye to any e-commerce solution" : you don't have enter your correct MySQL informations !

I can fix that bug if you send me a PM with :

- your FTP informations (host, user, password)

- your PhpMyAdmin informations (url, user, password)

- the url of your website

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Hey Philippe,

I appreciate your interest.

I´ll get you back, if the problem persists, since I am moving from my current hosting provider (BlueHost) to a different one.

Be assured that I did everything in my hand to make sure that the database parameters were okay. But I got so annoyed with the poor feedback from BlueHost support that I have cancelled my hosting account and know I am on a fishing trip for a reliable hosting provider.

As I said, I'll get back to you if I get into the same problem.

Good to know that you care for your would be new customers.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again,

Here we go again with the same problem.

I have moved to a new host provider.

I have uploaded PretaShop files to: home/fitokosm/public_html/pretashop.

I have begun the installation process and no problems so far till reaching the "Database configuration" step:

Database server name: localhost

Database name: fitokosm_pretashop

Login: username assigned to the database.

Password: password assigned to the database.

Then; I click into VERIFY NOW and I get the promiscuous message:

Database server was not found. Please verify the login, password, and database server name fields.

Since I haven't got an answer for this problem anywhere in this forum or in WIKi or in the unofficial PretShop manual I am sending again an SOS for help.

Any ideas as to why to find out why I cannot install PretaShop?


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Hello Phillipe,

I finally got through the installation process, after a long day of trial and error.

But now, I am stuck with the login in the shop.

I use the right email and password. I get no errors and the login prompt shows up again.

Any ideas about what to do?



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