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Attribute groups

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Is it possible to have more than one attribute group per product. For example:



I want offer a plating choice, as showing, then a chain choice being: no thanks - 40cmm - and so on

Whilst two distinct groups will show - plating and chain, I can not get 'no thanks' to show first in chain it might show 40 cm with the added value.


Thanks for any help - Paul

P.S. I have searched.

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Try to create the attributes using the combination generator (top of the combination tab).


Basically, each combination MUST have 1 attribute from each group in it.

It you have 2 groups, 1 with four options and 1 with two options, you need to have 8 combinations.

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Thank you for your reply,


I have decided to give chains their own sub category as there so many styles sizes etc. though I am sure we would sell more if a choice could be made at the same time as buying a pendant.


"Basically, each combination MUST have 1 attribu......." I will try this out on localhost to make sure I understand it.





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