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Prices not visible on font end.

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Hello everyone I hit a roadblock with my shop and need some help getting through it.


My website, www.profillonline.com does not have any prices showing up on the front end.


I uploaded the .csv the other day and can't figure out why.


I checked the Preferences > Products is set to "No". I tried switching it to "Yes" and saving, but that didn't help, so I switched it back to "No".


Using the following:


Prestashop version:

Server information: Linux #1 SMP Fri Jul 15 08:15:44 EDT 2011 i686

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 5.2.14

MySQL version: 5.0.92-log

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Thank you again for your reply.


I set Preferences>Products>Catalog Mode set to "No", but still no prices are visible on the front end. Do you have any other ideas on how I might be able to make them visible.


I noticed that I cannot ad anything new to the cart either. Does that help point us to the solution?


(Edited for grammar.)

Edited by mnkelsch (see edit history)
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Thank you again for your help Cedric.


I re-uploaded my .csv with the column titled "Available for order" set to a value of "1".


I also set the column "Show Price" set to a value of "1". Now the front end shows a price of $0.00 for each item.


Do you know what I have to change to have the correct prices show up on the front end?

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Thank you for your response MeowsTheTime. I tried ignoring the "Available for order" column and it gave me prices of $0.00 for each item which is the same result I got when I edited the .csv to put a value of "1" in each row under the column of "Available for order".


Interestingly, the first item that of the category "Compatible Toner Supplies" on my front end has a price of $41.81, which is not the correct price and it is not the value I entered for it under "Price tax excl."


Cedric told me via PM that the products seem to have combinations.


Can someone tell me how to delete all the combinations by editing the .csv or database?


Thanks again,






1. I went into Catalog > Attributes, and deleted all of the attributes and groups.

2. I went into Catalog > Features and groups and deleted all of the features.


This action removed the incorrect from the one item that had pricing, but the rest of the catalog still has $0.00 for the price of each item.


Can anyone give me a clue on how to get the prices to show up on the front end?


(Edited to add content.)

Edited by mnkelsch (see edit history)
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Making progress:


Okay, Cedric informed me via PM that when I look at my products in the back office > catalog that there is no "Base Price" for any of them.


Is there a column in the .csv file that equals the base price? My site has 500 items and I do not think I have the time to edit each individually via the the back office.

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