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hello there,

i would like to know if there is any way to make some fields shown only when a specific department is selected

i want to have a choice where people can send me some specifications of their used mobile and fotos of it in case they want to sell it so only when they choose the option of "used phones" the extra fields would come up


i would also like to know if there is a chance to have a dropdown list of mobile phone manufacturers so the customer can choose from


so the fields would be:

the first for are globally shown independently of what you will choose on the department dropdown




*phone number



*manufacturer - dropdown list from the list of manufacturers i have with an option of "other" where a field would come up to write your manufacturer in case i dont have it on the list


*model of mobile phone

date of buying

warranty expiration date

an textarea where the customer can write more details like if it is updated to the latest version or if they have extra parts

and an "upload fotos" option so i can check the condition of it


prestashop version


i know its too much to ask but if you could help me out on this, ill make it work and upload the files so the other people can have them and modify them at their pleasure


i am from greece,so, sorry for my english!

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