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cluetip (tooltip) on product list

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I am working on 1.4,



My goal is to integrate a tooltip description (html with color and images) when roll over on product-list images.



Maybe we can do this with the clueTip.js that is using into prestashop scenes (image mapping).


After doing some newbies tests I have just succes to integrate the product long-descripton into the scene.tpl


I changed:


<p class="description">{$product.details->description_short|strip_tags|truncate:170:'...'}</p>




<p class="description">{$product.details->description}</p>

It is just help me to know that I can import into this clue tip the long description of a product...


But for my goal is not enough, I want to integrate it into each images of the product-list.php page...

And I want to disable the scene (image mapping) on some product (so I have to install javascript links somwhere else...)


Someone can help?



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