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Clone/duplicate categories

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I´m sorry my english is very bad.


Is there a way to duplicate a category with all your items inside, in the same way which products? I need a module free or not or a SQL sentence, the way for that is not important. Is very very urgent. Thanks

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  • 2 months later...

there is a way.


I'm not a good programator but i'm good in logic.


So , my idea is like this:


Suppose category B is a copy of category A.

You don't have to copy all data in database from cat A to cat B, instead...when the shop has to display category B, it will display category A(images, links,...).


1. make a field in ps_category , name it id_copy

2. fill in category B 's field "id_copy".....the "id-category" of category A


if category A has ID = 12 , then the field "id_copy" of category B, has to be = 12

3. modify the CategoryController

- create a variable AllCategories to access all categories in db

- the controller creates a variable subCategories which contains all the informations about subcategories of the current category

- we will check if the subcategory has completed the field "id_copy". If so, we will colect all informations (id,name, image, meta...) from the category with this id ("id_copy") using the variable which we've created (allCategories)

- now we will ovewrite the infos collected over the subcategory infos.


4. when the shop will find subcategories of a category, instead of showing the informations of category B, it will display informations from the id_category=is-copy of category B, which is Cateory A, so the link, images...dispolayed on the page will be from category A, instead of category B.

Edited by arique (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I need something similar.

I have 3 groups of clients, and need certain attributes of my products to be visible only for one group and other for the remaining groups of clients. So I figured that by duplicating the categories and approving them for each customer group separately, then I could work on the attributes independently...

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards,


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