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Anyone know how to adjust the price of multiple items at once?

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You can change the price of the selected items by using SQL commands on your database. I guess this would be the fastest solution.

Hey Caglar,

Thank you very much for your help!

Could you explain a bit more about it though?

Can that be done in the back office? or do I have to do it on my hosting c-panel?

I look forward to hear more from you.


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You can do this by using cpanel and probably through phpmyadmin if you don't use a third party program like navicat to manage your database.


It should be a simple Find and Replace command. You have to apply this using SQL command tab (you will see this tab on the upper line of phpmyadmin when you select your prestashop database from the left menu). This command may change according to the version of your Mysql database but it will look like something below:


UPDATE `ps_product` SET `price`=replace(price, '66.053500', '76.053500')


The above code searches ps_product table, through price column and changes all values of "66.053500" to "76.053500"


Hope this helps.


P.S. That code works for me with MySql version 5.0.92


Don't forget to take a backup of your database before playing with sql commmands.

Edited by Caglar (see edit history)
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No idea. Caglar's idea would work, but only for a limited variety of prices...not for situations where, for example, you want to change prices of 100 different products with 100 different prices (unless there is a uniform % price change)...I mean you could write a query even in that case, but it won't be that much less tedious than manually changing prices in the backend for each product.


I, for one, could certainly use a Batch Quick Edit sort of function in the Admin panel.

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