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How to turn off the print option in the products?

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If this is not in the correct place to ask this question I apologize but I want to know how do I turn off the print option in the product? A lot of people in my business like to duplicate my information that I am spending a lot of time typing out and don't want them to just be able to copy and past. I do not want that print option in the product please can someone tell me how to get rid of it.

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look in your theme for the product.tpl file


Search for and delete this line

<li><a href="javascript:print();">{l s='Print'}</a><br class="clear" /></li>


That will remove the print option, but does not preclude copy & paste

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don't want them to just be able to copy and past.

Technically impossible to prevent, period.


Any half measure that may make it slightly trickier to C&P will only serve to annoy your customers who may want to C&P something e.g. your address, or phone.


If you genuinely produce unique content you can prove that it is your own work, you have the option to use courts against copiers in some jurisdictions, but that is it.

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