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Multi store in backend, one store in front

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Hi folks,


I have a question regarding the use and management of multiple stores.


This is my scenario. I have 3 stores. Different products for each store. I want each of the store to be managed in back-office by different people, each of them not knowing of the products of others. Something like salesman.


In front i want all the products to be shown in the same store, so that the user can buy from "different stores", different products in the same cart. I'm thinking of this schema:


Store --- back --- Front

A --- A products --+

B --- B products --+ A+B+C products

C --- C products --+


Right now i could achieve this if each product from ach store i would save it in a 4-th store that is the default store. The problem exists because the salesman from stare A cand see and modify the products of store B but only in the context of store A (meaning that he can assign to that product only Store A because tha'ts the only store he has acces). Why can a salesman from a store see and edit all the products in all the stores. How can i repair this?


Thank you!

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