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Strict.DTD & Transitional.DTD ?

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Ok as I am doing a lot of research on this can someone tell me what the difference is between strict.dtd and transitional.dtd.


If it's best to use strict.dtd how can I get this done on my prestashop website. I am building a very large pet store online with many sub-categories where's it's broken down.


I would appreciate any help in this matter as I must need to know what I can do if it's best for my site and to let my web designer know what I am wanting.

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As long as the specs for the dt declared is met in the authored document it does not matter. You do not need to touch anyting in PrestaShop and it is not a good idea either as a user viewed page in PS is comprised of a lot of output from different locations/modules.


I am doing a lot of research...I would appreciate any help in this matter as I must need to know what I can do if it's best for my site and to let my web designer know what I am wanting.

No disrespect intended, but 'you must [not] need to know'. This is the type of request from a client which makes web developers roll their eyes. Before you visit your doctor, do you study medical journals to suggest how s/he may accomplish a diagnosis best? You hired a developer, trust her/him to know what s/he is doing. If you don't (or s/he is incapable) then you have bigger problems to worry about than dtd of a document.


If you insist you must dictate this aspect of the development, here are some resources about document types. But your develeoper has probably been there long before you and will outmatch you on this subject while talking in his/her sleep.


HTML 4.01









XHTML Basic 1.1


MathML 2.0

MathML 1.0.1


XHTML + MathML + SVG (XHTML as the host)

XHTML + MathML + SVG (SVG as the host)

SVG 1.1Full

SVG 1.0

SVG 1.1 Basic

SVG 1.1 Tiny

W3C explanation of standards vs quirks mode

Mozilla's Quirks Mode

Opera doctype switching

Microsoft doctype switching

Mozilla doctype switching


Remember to follow all links within those links too ;)

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