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Images zoom not really enlarging ! How to fix images dimensions ?

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Hi all !

When you add a product you can always click on "view full size" or just click on the image to zoom it or enlarge it right ?

My problem is that when I click on it, the enlargement isn't as big as I would like (actually almost NOT enlarged).

How can change this ? If I upload an image that is 800x600 why isn't the zoom/enlargement that big ? Where can I set and tell him to leave the original size ?

I tried changing the thickbox but that only changes the dimensions of the "box" (makes sense :D ) around the enlargement . When I try to change the "large" under preferences/images what I get is that the picture on the item's page is bigger (as bis as what I set, and its actually messing with the page) but the enlargement is still small ...

So, what do I have to change and where, to leave everything as it is except that I get an enlargement that is really enlarged as much as I want ?

Since there is this "zoom/enlarge" option I guess it should be difficult to set the desired size right ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help !

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Hi !
Yes I did see this previous discussion . I did help me although its not really perfect in my case... because the enlarged image directs me to a new page (which could be fine), but it doesn't open a new page. So I always have to use the browser to go back to the entire site...this should be possible to change no ? Some javascript maybe ...

Also, I don't get the "zoom" (the redirection to the enlargement) by clicking on the main picture but I have to click on the smaller ones below ...

In any case thanks, I'll try to fix my problems !

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