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an error occurred while updating object product ()

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems like a formating problem. Had bold and bulit list and got error, was pasting some stuff. Typed everything out and did plain text -- everthing worked. Don't know what's screwed up but they should fix it! Hope this help -Robert


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  • 3 months later...

well, guys
there is nothing wrong with formating or copy-pasting
the problem is in some certain words
basically, some words are "banned" to prevent sql injection
in my case it was "trigger"
as soon, as i replaced it with "start", everything went smooth
i don't know the list of "banned" words, so best thing to do would be copy-paste a small portions of text with "save ans stay"
each time to find out, which word has to be replaced
and thesaurus to your help

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