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[SOLVED] Customer custom field(s)

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I'm looking for a way/module/explanation in order to add fields to ask customer upon registration or to extend the profile.


I'd need to ask for VAT number if any for example, a text field of 11 chars.


Also, how can I see/edit the address of a registered user? It seems I cannot find them from the admin.

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I'm sorry to bother again, but there is something odd in the registration module. (authentication.tpl)


As suggested I enabled "Need Tax identification number?" in Shipping Countries > Italy and this field appeared:


<input type="text" value="" id="dni" name="dni" class="text">


But this is what we call "Codice FIscale", what I need is "Partita IVA" (vat number should be).


Exploring the source it seems that vat_number is there, but hidden below #company:


<div style="display:none;" id="vat_number">
 <p class="text">
  <label for="vat_number">Numero IVA</label>
  <input type="text" value="" name="vat_number" class="text">


And that it should be shown if the user fills in something in #company, but the javascript code that should perform that action is not printed in the front end! I think because {if $vat_management} fails.


Any idea? Thanks :)

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