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Modify product page

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Please can some one tell me how to change the short product description so they don't look like a paragraph\

Something Looking like this


Title of the book




Version: Hardback



Available: In Print

With Image to left with 3 pixel space between the image and short description.


Also How can I set it that only the names of my books to comes in the new product module to the right

Thanks for any help

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Your easiest way of doing that is going to be using fields that are already there in the back end. Like the reference and upc and things like that. You will have to edit your product.tpl to make them show up where you want them but it will not be that hard. For the module just open up the newproducts .tpl file and take the part with the short description out.

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You will have to edit them and style them that way. This is quick and dirty fix so you don't have to add to the database. Using css you should be able to get them to look the way you need them too

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