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pick up in store

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Pick up in store is not working in my store...


I added pick up in store into the carriers options so customers can just buy the product and then come to the store with their receipt and pick it up... however, I still cannot have the pick up in store option when I get to chose a carrier...


please help,



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Hi Mike,


please go to www.wasb.org

click on login at the top of the page

login email: [email protected]

pass: demo123

when you are logged in click on the menu where it says "Publications Products & Postings" this is where you get to prestashop and now order an item and on carrier page you will not have an option to pick up from store.



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Hi Oplus,

First of all, for security reasons please never publicly post any sort of Back Office login credentials on our forums. Additionally, even with the credentials you posted, I cannot help you because of the permissions settings. Can you please post a screenshot of the specific settings for your "Pick up in Store" carrier so that we can try to help you further?



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