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I need help with doing this senario in prestashop.


product A costs $10... if a customer order 1 to 10 of product A, it will cost $10 no matter what..

and if that customer orders 11 to 20 of product A the cost will be $20. and so on...


please help.



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Oplus99 I’m going to be in the same boat soon with a website. I’m going to need to ship based on quantity rather than cost or weight. I plan to give each product an equal “weight”. For example one gram. Then in Shipping > Weight Ranges I’ll setup several weight ranges.


From 0 to 10 = $10.00

From 11 to 20 = $20.00

From 21 to 10000 = $30.00


You get the idea … haven’t tried it yet, but I think it should work.

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Thanks everyone for your comments...


In my scenario, I am not talking about shipping yet... I just want the customer to choose product A with a price of $10.. and if that customer choose 1 to 10 times product A will be at the same price of $10... then on checkout shipping will be added... so I dont want to play with shipping rates..


so is this still has to be done by whatever you suggested bdalton or can I do it in another way?


tomer Iam going to buy localized shipping in a minute from your store... will this help me if I want to decide to not charge shipping for product A no matter how many times???



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The module does not change the way shipping cost is calculated (weight / price ranges).

It is only changing the way you assign cost to location (country / state / zip) and free shipping settings.

We have a demo for the module, where you can try it out and see.

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Yup, that approach should work just fine (when using shipping by weight).

We will likely add the option for free shipping per product, category, supplier or manufacturer in a future version.


If you have any other questions regarding the module, please use the contact form on our site.

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