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[Solved] Short Description Text Blank in Back Office but Visible In Front Office?

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Hi All


This is a weird one...


I just noticed that the text in the short description box on all product pages in my back office doesn't show in Firefox (v.11).


It shows in the front office o.k. and displays correctly if I open the back office in Chrome.


I use Firefox for all my page edits so it's really annoying.

It was all o.k. last week so I don't know what's happened.

Text in the long description box appears as normal.


Is anyone else having this issue?





Missed the earlier forum post that verifies this is a bug in Firefox


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Hi everybody,

This is an issue with compatibility between the latest versions of Firefox and tinyMCE. Our developers have already put together a fix, it is just going through final testing and approval before it is released. I will be sure to make an announcement as soon as it is available, but my guess is that it shouldn't be more than another day or two.



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