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Could we add PHP POST form as a CMS page?

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Simply create a CMS page, switch to HTML and add your form.


For example, if you go to your contact page and view source, you can just cut out that form and paste it into any CMS page you like. Then just modify it as you like. You can take the code into Dreamweaver or whatever you like to edit with and then just paste the html into your CMS page.


The HTML feature of the CMS page editor lets you create almost any design you want using your favourite editor and then just paste the code.

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That's very cool. :)


Thanks, bdalton.


Simply create a CMS page, switch to HTML and add your form.


For example, if you go to your contact page and view source, you can just cut out that form and paste it into any CMS page you like. Then just modify it as you like. You can take the code into Dreamweaver or whatever you like to edit with and then just paste the html into your CMS page.


The HTML feature of the CMS page editor lets you create all most any design you want using your favourite editor and then just paste the code.

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