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[SOLVED] CSV Image and Category issue

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I am having an issue when importing my products from a CSV file. I am able to successfully map all of my csv colums and have the information import into the correct locations except my images do not import and all of my products load to the Home category instead of their assigned subcategories.


I have tried mapping the file using the Category Names as well as the Category ID numbers, neither of which worked.


With the images, I was able to successfully import via CSV my category list with images but for whatever reason my product import does not load the images.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW I am using Prestashop version

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I downloaded OpenOffice and tried saving my spreadsheet with semicolon (;) delimiters as well as UTF8 encoding and am still having no luck with my images or categories. Just like before, every other piece of information including Name, ID, Manufacturer, Reference #, etc... all load fine. I'm just not getting images and all of my items end up in the Home category.


Help please!!!

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I had similar problems when I did a csv product upload.


I noticed that the images column didn't have the correct dropdown title at the 'Your Data' page instead of 'Image URL's' it had 'Available for order' which you can just change at that stage.


Also if you have a large amount of products in your CSV all with images this may be the problem I had to do mine in batches of 250 products at a time as the images wern't uploading properly.


As for the categories try using categories ID number instead of the actual name.


Hope I helped!

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Thanks for the reply Dickie!


I made sure every time at the "Your Data" page that all of my columns had the correct headings so I don't believe that is the issue. I've also tried using just the category numbers as opposed to the category names and that didn't work either.


The original sample product list I tried to upload was only 296 products and I've seen reports of people on the forum uploading 2000+ at a time. Just to be sure I made multiple attempts to upload a single product and I still get the same result... Everything is in order except for the images and categories.


This issue is really delaying me from getting my store up and running. Any other help would be appreciated!

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Hi Mike,


Yes I have used the sample CSV. I just opened it and inserted all the information I have for a single product into the sample CSV and uploaded it and still had the same issue. I made sure that on the "Your Data" page that all of the drop down titles matched the columns of the CSV exactly and still no change. I have also tried using the full CSV and selecting "Ignore This Column" to the ones with empty fields as well as tried a CSV with only having the columns that are filled out on the CSV and deleting the rest.


Any other things that I could try? Thanks!

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Finally got this issue resolved. Our original site was on a Windows Server and when we decided to install Prestashop we also decided to switch over to a Linux server. Apparently there was an issue with the migration of our site from the original server over to the Linux server. We contacted GoDaddy and had them set us up with a brand new fresh install on a different Linux server and I can now successfully import products via CSV and have all the information including images and categories populate in our store.


The only issue I am having now is that I am currently limited to importing approximately 400 products at a time. Anything more than that and I am getting a 500 Interneral Server error. Hopefully I can resolve this soon...

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  • 4 weeks later...

plz , can u send me the sample csv file ( not the one in the backend) ,

i have tried to upload csv for product , i mention the ID of the categorie in which i want tht file but it added those file in home


in all , im really confused how to make and import csv file for importing the product under category.

can u help me regarding this ?



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  • 3 months later...



I also started my site with a godaddy windows server that had lots of bugs before i migrated to a linux server. I have been pulling my hair out all day with this same problem from your original post and im glad at least i found out the source of the problem.


Hopefully since i am just getting started, i can just re-install prestashop and see if the problem gets resolved.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 8/14/2012 at 6:49 AM, jewele8 said:
@PortCityMedical, I also started my site with a godaddy windows server that had lots of bugs before i migrated to a linux server. I have been pulling my hair out all day with this same problem from your original post and im glad at least i found out the source of the problem. Hopefully since i am just getting started, i can just re-install prestashop and see if the problem gets resolved.


I haveee the saaameee probleem guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jewele8!!! do you asked Godaddy to make a new fresh install on a linux server??? your problem fixed??


I have the same exact problem, do I have to contact Godaddy and tell them the issue and "set us up with a brand new fresh install on a different Linux server" ?????????? Thank God I found this T.T :')

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its been awhile so i dont remember alot of specifics.


i dont have godaddy anymore because of other unrelated problems i had with them, but i did move my site from a windows based server to one of their linux based servers. after the move, things like csv import and ftp connections seemed to go more smoothly.


one thing to keep in mind though is that if you have a large number of images that you are uploading by csv, you may have to upload them in smaller batches so that you dont get timed out.

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  • 1 month later...

I had the problem products/ subcategories only saving in 'main' category (not their assigned categories) so I replaced the AdminImportController file on version 1.5.3. Now I have been attempting to get the image links to upload. I think I have the format right, and the image is actually is saved at the url I listed. Everything else loads and works fine, but no pictures....


Any chance this needs a different fix from AdminImportController?


Also, does anyone know if the new version of 1.5.4 has these CSV loader issues fixed? I could always try the new version, if everyone says the kinks have been worked out..


I hit my head against the wall for a while with that first problem with the csv loader, so if anyone knows if a file needs to be fixed so that images can be loaded with the csv importer, please pass along word.


Thank you.

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are you uploading images? or you are just putting the url of the image??


if you are uploading images, in the prestashop root, you will find an upload folder, and then you have to put right there the images, and in the csv you have to put:



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I had been putting up just the image url. I also hadn't been placing them in the upload folder. I wondered if they needed to be in the upload folder or not. The example csv for products doesn't show a url with upload included- just your url then image file name. I just thought I could create files for the images anywhere in the public directory. Also, I did this for category images and it worked fine.


I will move my image files into the upload folder (makes sense when I think about this) and change the csv. Hopefully it will work this time!


Thanks for the help!

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So I uploaded my image files in the upload folder of the public_html directory. Now they all have links that are a random sequence of letters and numbers, so I can't tell what they are. I don't know how to correlate them to their respective products. I had them named appropriately when I uploaded them.


What should I do now?


Thank you.

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