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Wrong upload size detection

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Hello I have the following issue....



This is what I have in php.ini (can not be changed)


post_max_size 8M

max_file_uploads 20

memory_limit 90M

upload_max_filesize 40M

max_execution_time 50000


BUT Prestashop in preferences detects


Define the limit upload for an image, this value have to be inferior or egal to your server's maximum upload file (2 MB).



Obviously I can not change max upload to 5 MB as it sais maximum is 2MB, but in fact it is 8MB.



What is wrong?


Somebody had similar problem?




Prestashop version

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Hi Mike,


thanks for response


I spoke to the hoster. The solution was to add php.ini to the root and admin folders of Prestashop with the same parameters. But it only solved part of the problem, now I can increase upload file size up to 8 MB and it does not give errors. But still when I try to load file bigger then 2 MB (For example image = 5MB) it gives error:


Out of memory (allocated 58458112) (tried to allocate 12000 bytes) in /images.inc.php on line 238


That means it is out of memory during upload.


Max memory_limit according to the hoster is 60MB


How much memory I need to upload only 5 MB image???? What can eat so much memory during upload??? any solution or bypass??? (besides changing from hosting to VDS).

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