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HELP! Not able to view item details in the store?

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Gosh, I hope someone can help with this...I have searched the forum but can't find a posting to help. We have just spent over 100 hours setting up a store, loading items, writing descriptions taking pictures, etc... and we just realized that when you click on an item no items details come up. What am I missing? Here is the storefront:


Thank you in advance for your help.

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I am running the following version: PrestaShop™


This is kicking my butt, I have tried everything I can think of, any help would be greatly appreciated.




In your config/config.inc.php file, please set "display_errors" to "on" and then reload the page and let me know if you get any error messages.



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My guess is that you are either running a module that did not come with Prestashop or you have edited the template. What is happening is there is an error in smarty and when a template in smarty errors, it just quits displaying things. Your page is breaking on the center column so I am guessing you have added something there on the products page.

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