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What's is better?


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Hi all!


I was using several SEO tools and they warned me:


1. My website has too long urls.


2. My urls have too many words.


What do you think is better for SEO?


Separated words by dashes or words together?


Thanks a lot and best regards.

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How is it better to read words in an article, separated by spaces or all togheter? : ) In a google group post, a google employee answered your question about long URLs



1. Long & crazy URLs

I ran into this URL while looking at [site:gadgetguy.com.au] :


Now I'm all for having descriptive URLs, but .... this seems to be

taking it a bit too far and I have a bit of trouble identifying

anything that matches in the content of your page.

The problem with URLs like this is that they almost appear to be

random and in fact I can get exactly the same page by using something

like: http://www.gadgetguy.com.au/xyzzy-42.html . In general, you

should make sure that you have only one URL that leads to your content

-- all others should either redirect to the proper URL or return HTTP

result code 404 to signal that the URL is invalid. Without that, your

site is leading us (and all other crawlers) on a wild goose chase.

If your CMS is not able to handle this properly (one URL per piece of

content), I would recommend not using rewritten URLs so that we can

recognize and skip over unimportant parameters in your URL query



You can read the complete discussion @ http://groups.google.com/group/Google_Webmaster_Help-Indexing/browse_thread/thread/e7ed055b74cb4aaa/?pli=1

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