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salve ragazzi, ho un problema con la installazione della versione 1.4.7, dopo aver caricato file su ftp, e impostato i permessi delle cartelle, vado sulla pagina di installazione me mi appare queste:


* @copyright 2007-2011 PrestaShop SA * @version Release: $Revision: 11128 $ * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA */ header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); /* Redefine REQUEST_URI if empty (on some webservers...) */ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = str_replace('//', '/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '') $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if ($tmp = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?')) $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $tmp); define('INSTALL_VERSION', ''); define('MINIMUM_VERSION_TO_UPDATE', '0.8.5'); define('INSTALL_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.0', '<')) { echo '

PrestaShop requires PHP5 or later, you are currently running: '.phpversion().'

'.lang('If you do not know how to enable it, use our turnkey solution PrestaBox at').' http://www.prestabox.com.

'; die; } require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../config/autoload.php'); require_once(INSTALL_PATH.'/classes/ToolsInstall.php'); require_once(INSTALL_PATH.'/classes/GetVersionFromDb.php'); /* Prevent from bad URI parsing when using index.php */ $requestUri = str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $tmpBaseUri = substr($requestUri, 0, -1 * (strlen($requestUri) - strrpos($requestUri, '/')) - strlen(substr(substr($requestUri,0,-1), strrpos( substr($requestUri,0,-1),"/" )+1))); define('PS_BASE_URI', $tmpBaseUri[strlen($tmpBaseUri) - 1] == '/' ? $tmpBaseUri : $tmpBaseUri.'/'); define('PS_BASE_URI_ABSOLUTE', 'http://'.ToolsInstall::getHttpHost(false, true).PS_BASE_URI); /* Old version detection */ $oldversion = false; $sameVersions = false; $tooOld = true; $installOfOldVersion = false; if (file_exists(INSTALL_PATH.'/../config/settings.inc.php')) { require_once(INSTALL_PATH.'/../config/settings.inc.php'); $oldversion =_PS_VERSION_; // fix : complete version number if there is not all 4 numbers // for example replace 1.4.3 by // consequences : file will be skipped if oldversion = 1.4.3 // @since $arrayVersion = preg_split('#\.#', $oldversion); $versionNumbers = sizeof($arrayVersion); if ($versionNumbers != 4) $arrayVersion = array_pad($arrayVersion, 4, '0'); $oldversion = implode('.', $arrayVersion); // end of fix $tooOld = (version_compare($oldversion, MINIMUM_VERSION_TO_UPDATE) == -1); $sameVersions = (version_compare($oldversion, INSTALL_VERSION) == 0); $installOfOldVersion = (version_compare($oldversion, INSTALL_VERSION) == 1); } require_once(INSTALL_PATH.'/classes/LanguagesManager.php'); $lm = new LanguageManager(dirname(__FILE__).'/langs/list.xml'); $_LANG = array(); $_LIST_WORDS = array(); function lang($txt) { global $_LANG , $_LIST_WORDS; return (isset($_LANG[$txt]) ? $_LANG[$txt] : $txt); } if ($lm->getIncludeTradFilename()) require_once($lm->getIncludeTradFilename()); ?>








quale sia problema?

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