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Some complaints about the RSS Product Feeder module.

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I have noticed that the RSS product feeder is only showing products in the home category that I use as featured products. It does not include all the products I have in subcategories. I need an RSS feed that tells subscribers when new inventory has been added to all categories. I really need to exclude any items listed in the home category as featured products. Otherwise they would get listed twice because they are in subcategories as well. Anyone find a better way of presenting this information to the buyers?


I think Prestashop should really consider why people need and use RSS feeds on eCommerce websites. Then build that module accordingly. It should present any changes such as new products and stock level changes. It presently does not do that and I find it a bit useless in its default state.


I also would like to suggest more information be made available about how to use that module. On the installation page, you only have an install button with no further explanation. It left me with this feeling of "Well what did that do and what am I supposed to do now to use this thing??" I had to search all over the place just to figure out what the URL is for the new feed. Then the userguides from Prestashop only have a general explanation about the purpose of the module, but no instructions on how to use it. That was annoying.

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  • 7 months later...

Thats not a very elegant solution! :P In that case you must hide that virtual category from categoriesblock and more places...


There isn't any automatic method to do it ?

Updating this module to include all products in shop is much better than only for a concrete category... it will be very usefull for many people.


Any hacker to modify actual module? B)

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