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[solved] Carrier by postcode, the easy way

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For PS1.4.7.

I have one carrier that delivers only for certain zip-codes. All of them in the same state.

Using default PS behaviour, a carrier is assigned for a zone... and the zone "is made" of states.

We cannot divide states into smaller parts.


So, just in case someone need this, I figured out a simply way to achieve this.

- I added a zone for my collection of postcodes

- I set up a carrier fot that zone


And in controllers/ParentOrderController.php, protected function _assignCarrier(), in line ~363 I made this change:


$id_zone = Address::getZoneById((int)($address->id));


if(($address->id_state==348)&& in_array($address->postcode,array(31001,31014))){


}else $id_zone = Address::getZoneById((int)($address->id));


This is an example. In my case, all of my postcodes belongs to the same state. If it is not your case, just delete the part "($address->id_state=xxx)




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Updating Controllers or Classes directly is a really bad idea, as it will be lost if you do an upgrade of Prestashop.

The right way would be to create a new Override Controller and apply your changes there.


There is a module we created that lets you assign shipping cost by country, state, or zip code ranges which would make thing much easier http://www.prestashop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/148747-module-localized-shipping-set-shipping-rates-by-country-state-or-zipcode-range/

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The module was just a suggestion (it's more flexible and does not require changing any files).


The advice I gave (using override files instead of changing the controller directly) was the main reason for my reply, even if it is only 1 line change, in 6 months from now, you may forget about it, do an upgrade of PS and lose this change.


The is the good scenario where only 1 person works on the site, but if you use a developer, and change it, you will have no way of keeping track of those type of changes, which is why using the override folder is the best way to go.

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Thank you for your comments. I think you're right, so I decided to use "override" folder.


It's easy.

1) Just copy "classes/Address.php" to "override/classes/Address.php".

2) In line 28 change class name from AddressCore to Address

3) Before function getZoneById, paste this new function (maybe there's a way to access to this field inside the class)



* Return postcode of address


* @param $id_address Address id

* @return integer postcode


public static function getPostcodeByAddress($id_address){

$row = Db::getInstance()->getRow('

SELECT `postcode`

FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'address a

WHERE a.`id_address` = '.(int)($id_address));

return $row['postcode'];


4) Add before first line of function getZoneById this:



if(in_array($postcode,array(your list of postcodes)){

return id-of-your-zone;


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  • 5 months later...

Thank you for your comments. I think you're right, so I decided to use "override" folder.


It's easy.

1) Just copy "classes/Address.php" to "override/classes/Address.php".

2) In line 28 change class name from AddressCore to Address

3) Before function getZoneById, paste this new function (maybe there's a way to access to this field inside the class)



* Return postcode of address


* @param $id_address Address id

* @return integer postcode


public static function getPostcodeByAddress($id_address){

$row = Db::getInstance()->getRow('

SELECT `postcode`

FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'address a

WHERE a.`id_address` = '.(int)($id_address));

return $row['postcode'];


4) Add before first line of function getZoneById this:



if(in_array($postcode,array(your list of postcodes)){

return id-of-your-zone;



What to do after that because nothing happens in BO

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Thanks for the solution. Anyway we can extend Address from AddressCore that is better:


Edit overrride/classes/Address.php(at least in Prestashop 1.5 exist by default):



class Address extends AddressCore



* Return postcode of address


* @param $id_address Address id

* @return integer postcode


public static function getPostcodeByAddress($id_address){

$row = Db::getInstance()->getRow('

SELECT `postcode`

FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'address a

WHERE a.`id_address` = '.(int)($id_address));


return $row['postcode'];




* Get zone id for a given address


* @param integer $id_address Address id for which we want to get zone id

* @return integer Zone id


public static function getZoneById($id_address)



$postcode = self::getPostcodeByAddress($id_address);


if(in_array($postcode,array(list of postcode))){

return id-zone;


if (isset(self::$_idZones[$id_address]))

return self::$_idZones[$id_address];


$result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow('

SELECT s.`id_zone` AS id_zone_state, c.`id_zone`

FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` a

LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` c ON c.`id_country` = a.`id_country`

LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` s ON s.`id_state` = a.`id_state`

WHERE a.`id_address` = '.(int)$id_address);


self::$_idZones[$id_address] = (int)((int)$result['id_zone_state'] ? $result['id_zone_state'] : $result['id_zone']);

return self::$_idZones[$id_address];





We can use else if(in_array($postcode,array(list of postcode))) return id-zone; for more postcodes in different zones.

Edited by jxrgxb (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

i have written a module that applies rules to assign postal rates by post code using the idea from here. i will be writing some simpe instructions. see my signature for a link to the thread.


it is fully working buts needs to be released as an RC so it cdan be checked in the real world.

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