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[Solved] change background colour of category bar plus login areas

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in global.css of your template search:


1. "breadcrumb"

2. "order_steps"


and change as you wish ;)




many thanks - that worked for the login steps etc but


could you possibly help me on the other attacment I posted please


where it says home > ipods or home > login I wish to change the background colour of the bar there


Many thanks for your help

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To add a background color to the breadcrumb bar...........


Go to your global.css file. Find .breadcrumb, then add the line: background: #cccccc; but replace the cccccc with the color that you want. I'm not a pro, but I hope this helps.


Dixie in the USA

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To add a background color to the breadcrumb bar...........


Go to your global.css file. Find .breadcrumb, then add the line: background: #cccccc; but replace the cccccc with the color that you want. I'm not a pro, but I hope this helps.


Dixie in the USA


Thank you so much


That is exactly what I wanted


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