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deleting featured products prices

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I have been trying to delete featured product pricing but I have not been able to. I followed instruction from a different post which stated to go to modules then featured products then css and then products.tpl and then erase some specific code. I erased that exact code under force compile and turned off cache though I had no changes. I am wondering if it is because I have custom theme. I tried going on to theme files but could not find any code for featured products. Anybody know what I am doing wrong. Thanks! www.corporatelabel.com

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Yes your theme could be an issue but try this.


All you should need to do is go to ...modules/ homefeatured/ and edit homefeatured.tpl.


Find the line that looks like this:


{if $product.show_price AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}<p class="price_container"><span class="price">{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$product.price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price_tax_exc}{/if}</span></p>{else}<div style="height:21px;"></div>{/if}


Comment out this line by adding <! - - before and - - > after that should remove the price.


Now see if near the top you have this line and change the value to 300 or whatever height works best for you.


{assign var='liHeight' value=342}




I was able to do this on my site but I use the standard theme, your home featured module may have a different title as you have a alternate theme.


If you can't figure it out let me know.

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Hey tdr170, thanks for your response. I had already removed these code from files but it did not make any changes to pricing. At first I try omitting it by adding <! - - before and - - > after but it didnt work so then I completely delete it and still didnt work. I Think my team must be over riding the code? I have no idea what to do now as I went into theme product_list css to see if I can find values related to home featured products and to no avail NOTHING.

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I have to believe that you are editing the wrong file as you can see in this pic I was able to use my developer tool and remove the prices, this is temporary as this is produced from cached pages as soon as I turn off tool page is restored to normal.

With out knowing the exact modulesin your modules list I cannot point you to the exact module.

Look to see if you have another module maybe named homefeaturedproduct or maybe just faeturedproducts.

Mine is named homefeatured and is different then yours mine has view, add to cart buttons as well as the price.


Let me know if you cannot figure out, and if you want you can send me log in details to your ftp so I may look at your files. (do not post send in PM)


Note: team is not over riding


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