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[SOLVED] Guest checkout & redirect

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while testing Guest Checkout I discovered that immediately after payment (via bank link) I am redirected to Log In page (IMO Log In page has nothing to do with Guest Checkout). Is this normal behavior? If yes, I believe that it could be improved a bit. It causes the situation where client is not 100% sure if the payment & ordering was successful (of course there are e-mails, but what if he / she don't check the mailbox?)


Maybe there should be a message saying for example "Your payment was accepted, thank you for the order" or something like that?


IMO even redirecting the client to Tracking Page is better than Log In page...


Thanks for answer.




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Hi Hannes,


Is this one of the default modules or a custom one? Does the customer get redirected to another site and come back, or do they never leave your store?


It should be pretty simple to change the redirect to something else. I'm guessing its either an old module trying to visit 'my-account.php', which would be normal behaviour for Prestashop prior to the Guest Checkout feature.

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Hi Mark,


thanks for answer.


Its the default one (the one you can enable in "Preferences" : Enable guest checkout / Your guest can place an order without registering).


Yes, the customer gets redirected to another site (bank) and then come back.


Actually, your question gave me an idea - maybe the bank payment module causes this redirection?





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Hi Hannes,


Sorry for the late response, did you manage to sort this?


Aye, it was the payment module I was referring to. Usually the module will tell the bank a URL to redirect back to when it sends the customer.


If the module was made prior to the guest checkout, or simply without it in mind then it probably goes back my-account.php which used to be the Prestashop default prior to 1.3.


Is this a custom payment module? You may need to ask the developer if its been updated for 1.4 / Guest Checkout, or if you're handy with web development take a look yourself.



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