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Images Dont Import - Excel Formatting Issue

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I have tried to upload my latest csv file to the B/O and most things work ok, but the images don't import.


My supplier has provided all the images within a spreadsheet, which looks similar to the following:




As each image is in it's own cell, I used the following formula to put all images into the same cell, with a space after each comma.


=CONCATENATE(Y2,", ",Z2,", ",AA2,", ",AB2,", ",AC2,", ",AD2)


This then gave me all the images in one cell, like this:




However, when I come to import the csv file into the B/O I get the following error:




I have no idea why the images can't be imported. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


I also have no idea what the item-name rewrite issue is, but that's another problem


Many Thanks


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