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Changing css for default theme

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You are probably better off changing the images used and replacing them with your own - use the same filename maybe a easy way of doing it.


I would suggest however, you do not do this to the default theme as you will lose your changes when you upgrade.


Take a copy of it and rename it as your own theme and make the edits there. Read here on creating your own theme



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No you would need to add to the respective DIV - that was really just an example of thow to make rounded corners. You would need to expirment,


If you are not happy playing with the css you could just copy the theme as suggested and then replace the images with your own, copy the images - take them into photoshop or similar and then change the image and then upload it back up and you will have what you want. Volia :)

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Have you seen the NEW (free) theme from PrestaShop? You may like the layout more in that theme. You can download the new theme from PrestaShop store. Then, you can use the module in your BO to install the new theme (important to use the module to install the new template). I am using the PS 1.4.7 with the new theme, on the site I am building. I don't know code, so I made edits in css files. You can view my site here: stitchbin/prestashop.com


Good Luck!

Dixie in the USA

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