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A Prestashop database already exists

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Please help, I am Stuck! - During the installation process -


"A Prestashop database already exists, please drop it or change the prefix." Can't get to the next step.


I have tried changing the Database engine from InnoDB to MyISAM (No Luck.) Created new database(s) several times. (No Luck.) Tried renaming database (No Luck.) Tried deleting the PS_ from the PrestaShop database tables prefix: (No Luck.) I am out of ideas... Looking into ZenCart but not giving up on Prestashop yet.


Reading the forums it appears that others have had this problem, but no solutions posted. Can't get to the next step, "Configure the shop"




If this helps:

Dreamhost / Cyberduck / MAC / Safari / all current.

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Thanks for the response Mike and Zen. I have tried adding ph1_ using the prestashop installer (not myphpadmin) I'll try that now.

Also just located the "drop" function in myphpadmin and "dropped" the ps_ installed database (still no luck)


BTW - Not comfortable sharing myphpadmin login info online. (sorry) but i will send an email if you provide email address.

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I take it you have installed Prestashop before and you are doing another install.

Go to your host provider web site, sign in and go to the control panel, find the icon named MYSQL Database and click on it. (see pic)




Now you will see a list of databases, click on the first one to highlight it and click drop database.

If you have more then one Prestashop database drop them all. (see pic)




Now when you do the install the database must have a unique name as MYSQL will remember the names you have previously used.

I dropped a database but could not create a new one with the same name.


If you are unsure you can send info to sign into database to us via private message.


I hope this helps.

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I did all of the above mentioned tasks and still same message when trying to get past step 2. dropped the database I originally created for the site. Created a new database, same result. Dropped that database - same result. Obviously I am doing something wrong. Any other suggestions? Would installing it on a sub-domain be causing this issue?


** A Prestashop database already exists, please drop it or change the prefix. **


Thank you for your help Zen.


PS. When I press next, the screen darkens - the arrows chase each other in a circle for about 45seconds then nothin. The screen brightens up again and nothing happens. If I press next again, I get the message listed above.

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Hi KyGoogleGuy,

In this situation, the first thing I would recommend is that you clear everything out and start from scratch. The reason for this is because every additionally attempt you make has the potential to confuse things further, so it is best to try again to do a clean installation. Make sure you are following our guide here, or our installation video here.



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Will do. Start over from scratch. New install of Prestashop. New Database, New everything. Fingers crossed, rabbits foot rubbed, salt thrown over shoulder.... Am I missing anything?


Yes, you forgot to knock on wood! :P


Please let us know if this continues to cause issues, and we'll be happy to try to help you resolve this.



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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, I've got this problem too. Decided to delete everything but didn't help. Well, probably I'm just stupid because really am not into these things and have no experience with PrestaShop so would be super-cool if somebody would help me. Like... "rename this file, delete that file..." or something. Thank you, guys. Really thank you.

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