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How to remove or edit this information


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Hi all


Please help me remove all the followings. I am really new to this and still learning.




All the boxes in the pictures are to be editted or removed.

1. How to remove the additional/ fixed footer links and "powered by presta" link.

2. How to remove the search toolbar. It seems like I've disabled the module.

3. How to removie the wording "there is 1 product"

4. I've disabled the "sort by" however, it is still there!!!


5. this is the main problem. How can we adjust the text to the bottom of the picture, not covering any part of the picture. Also, change the BG to white and Text color to black!



Do really really really help!

Webpage: thpaperplane.com




If there is any additional inform, do let me know!REMOVE2.jpg




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One of the easiest ways is to use live edit.


back office-->modules-->positions click live edit


assuming a 1.4.+ shop


the other is: back office-->modules-->positions and modify your positions and hooks there...


always remember to back up your shop db and root before making significant changes like this.

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Thanks to all your help, I've solved most of the problems. However, the main problem of the product title covering my model's face still exists. Does anyone know of a way to perhaps change the position of the product name as well as the background color of it?


I am using the theme blackwhite and my website is http://thpaperplane.com. Please help!

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  • 10 months later...

hello everyone :) ...this is my first post and i am a newbie to prestashop.


how to resolve the 3rd point that is mentioned earlier, i.e.,

3. How to remove the wording "there is 1 product"


which module should i change to remove it.


thanks in advance.


I am not sure from which page you want to remove it.

When its in the category page then try to comment it out from /themes/InUseTheme/category tpl file

this is the line {include file="$tpl_dir./category-count.tpl"} (line 41, in presta1.5)

don´t forget to Force compile Smary from BO->Performance tab otherwise you not going to see any changes

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I am not sure from which page you want to remove it.

When its in the category page then try to comment it out from /themes/InUseTheme/category tpl file

this is the line {include file="$tpl_dir./category-count.tpl"} (line 41, in presta1.5)

don´t forget to Force compile Smary from BO->Performance tab otherwise you not going to see any changes


This is exactly what I was looking for....thanks a lot raxsix

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