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Digital download module

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what would this module do specifically? prestashop already allows for downloadable products.


I didn't find where is specified how to configure Presta backend for selling downloadable products. I mean a separate module with options, allowing to set up the separate file downloads directory outside of web root, or set an external URL link, to set a limit on the number of times that a user can download a file purchased, to set download expiration time, to use of Paypal IPN.

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In Back-office, in the product page, you have a checkbox to indiquate that the product is downloadable.


You then have access to some of the info you require (but not all)

didn't find this on product page in What I need is core functionality allowing set up fully functional digital download shop, like have Miva Merchant, Drupal.

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Hi Mike,


yes I find it, I need to tell that product definition page interface is complicated and non-intuitive.

I uploaded file, but after save changes there is error note on page "This product is missing:

/home/path to file..." I checked file, it has been uploaded. What cause this error?


There is also limit upload for a downloadable product, the file size should not exceed server specified maximum, so it's not possible upload large files via Presta admin panel. We need use FTP upload file to directory outside of web root then browse path for file from admin panel. Its really would be better to create a separate module for digital downloads.

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Batch Downloadable Product module is not what I need, it lacks a few important options I need:

- allow to specify a file download directory outside of web root (for security reasons),

- option to download files stored on an external web servers like Amazon S3,

- IP address lock (to prevent the number IP addresses that can access the file).


What core files need to be changed in order to implement this functionality, as well as AdminProducts.php?

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At PrestaShop, if you ordered a downloadable product like a eBook,you will receive an mail with a link to download the file. But by default, when you click the link in the email, you will be redirected to authentication page to log in.

This is a normal and safe way, to protect store owner files. But some store owners think it is necessary to do so, because we already have a hashed key in the link something like below.




I also agree, because

  • It is very hard to figure out the link if you don’t know the link. It is secure enough to protect your files.
  • If someone want to distribute file, he/she doesn’t have to distribute the link, he/she could distribute the file itself.

So if you really want make it convenience for customer to download from link in email without logging in, you can make following changes to make this happen.

comment out following two lines (line 55,56) in file get-file.php


//if (!$cookie->isLogged())

// Tools::redirect('authentication.php?back=get-file.php&key='.$key);

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At PrestaShop, if you ordered a downloadable product like a eBook,you will receive an mail with a link to download the file. But by default, when you click the link in the email, you will be redirected to authentication page to log in.

This is a normal and safe way, to protect store owner files. But some store owners think it is necessary to do so, because we already have a hashed key in the link something like below.




I also agree, because

  • It is very hard to figure out the link if you don’t know the link. It is secure enough to protect your files.
  • If someone want to distribute file, he/she doesn’t have to distribute the link, he/she could distribute the file itself.

So if you really want make it convenience for customer to download from link in email without logging in, you can make following changes to make this happen.

comment out following two lines (line 55,56) in file get-file.php


//if (!$cookie->isLogged())

// Tools::redirect('authentication.php?back=get-file.php&key='.$key);


well, this is how to download file from email link without loggin in, but currently I'm primarily interested to add the options I mentioned above.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, I have set up a test shop in local machine to learn more about prestashop. I'm useing version. But I'm facing problem with the download. I've succesfully uploaded the product(ex. mp3), after that from frontend I purchased the product using paypal sandbox. Everything is going smooth till this point but the problem begins when I comes back to my testshop from payment gateway. It shows 2 different statement, 1st is: "If you have just placed an order, it may take a few minutes for it to be validated. If your order does not appear please refresh the page." & 2nd is: "You have not placed any orders." There is no download button or link. I'm running it on XAMPP server in my local machine. Any idea why this is happening?

Thanks in Advance.

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