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Help with Nivo Slider and other jquery sliders

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I have donwloaded and installed some jquery based sliders to check which one I like more. It seemed to me they were not compatible between them because they don´t show all the slides or the links don´t point to the right url address.

I suppoused that because I had them installed all at the same time. I installed, activated, deactivated, but not deleted from the server.

And the slides, some of them show twice the time, and some others don´t show at all. Or the many beautiful effects they promise don´t show, only few ones.

So I deleted all of them and started it again. Tried one by one.

But it happens the same.


The modules I tried are:

-Minic Slider

-Nivoslider by Paolo Rivem




My Prestashop is with standar theme


Any idea?

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Are you talking about the example slides showing in place of the newly uploaded slides? If so...delete the example files manually from the directory (can't remember which one, I use piscesslider) you can copy the image url of the example file in your web browser which will give you the directory.


Anyway delete the originals, clear your browser cache, and clear the cache of your prestashop. Then go ahead and upload the new images.

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