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Categories Module Bug PrestaShop v.

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Good Day! ;)


Summary - changing text:

Modifying line 29 w/ <h4> TAG from blockcategories.tpl does NOT have effect, so 'CATEGORIES' text remains on webpage. All browsers! Other blocks works by modifying same <h4> TAG line from corresponding .tpl .




Changing text or clear text:

<h4>{l s='' mod='blockcategories'}</h4> ---> NO effect at all!

FireFox Dom Inspect:

<h4 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">Categories</h4>

modified tpl-s, config.xml, looked quickly through other files, now I'm giving it up and waiting for the solution! smile.gif

Same thing for other modules works just fine.


Adding custom <div> tag to blockcategories:

I added a custom <div> tag to .tpl and modified global.css for using a custom bg image. W/ other modules it just works fine, but w/ blockcategories it's just stucked.


Anyone for these ones? :)


Best wishes,



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