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Cart Number vs. Order Number vs. Invoice Number

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the order number and the invoice number will be the same, the only difference is the invoice has a prefix.

so if the order number is 000035, then the invoice will be IN000035.


the cart number will be different, because not every cart becomes an order. so the cart number always increases much faster then order numbers.

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The number are not the same, and for a reason.


1) Not every cart turns into an order - someone may create a cart, not complete the order, and then try it again from another browser / computer, and the old cart will still appear in the system, but will never get used.


2) Not every order has an invoice.

Only when an order is approved, an invoice is created, if you have an order status of "Awaiting check" an invoice will not be generated yet, and if a new order comes in with an "approved" status, it will generate the next invoice #

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Just as tomerg3 says. Depending on what order state is set, an invoice or delivery slip will not be generated.


A way to solve this could be to create a new order state for which an invoice and delivery slip will be generated for. Then create a custom module just including the the mandatory functions and a hook for the hook newOrder. In this hook you could change the order state to the custom order state you created earlier. This means that all new orders will get your custom state (and an invoice and delivery will be slip will be generated) and directly after get the correct order state since there is an order state change directly after the newOrder hook is called. Important to point out is that you do this when you first set up your shop or if you edit the AUTO_INCREMENT value in your database for the concerned tables.

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