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Help with Shipping

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My products are spread across the globe and are sold all over the world. I need to add different shipping costs for products depending on which country they are coming from and which country they are going to, can anybody help me with this please ?



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Create a carrier /carrier/carrier method/zone as appropriate. So for example if you use UPS 'Ground service' and 'Next day air' methods and ship to and from Europe and Asia:


Carrier 1: UPS Ground service Europe

Carrier 2: UPS Ground service Asia

Carrier 3: UPS Next day air Europe

Carrier 4: UPS Next day air Asia



Now duplicate each for the start location.


Carrier m: UPS Ground service Europe from Europe

Carrier n: UPS Ground service Europe from Asia

Carrier o: UPS Ground service Asia from Europe

Carrier p: UPS Ground service Asia from Asia



Make sure each carrier has only the target zone checked in settings. Then specify relevant weight or price ranges for each carrier. Then specify prices for each combination under Shipping tab.


Whether this is done manually or with a module, the growth is geometric as the number of start-destination-method-carriers increase so you may just want to set an standard average price and take the shipping cost loss on some orders and profit on others

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