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Should New shop-"builders" use "old" 1.4 or start with 1.5

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We decided in November to change from our present shop-system to Prestatshop. However we did not want to build on the "old platform" as I have experiences from earlier that it always give problems to upgrade to major changed systems. However the final release of 1.5 seems to be delayed (not unexpected.. its a big task)

However.. Advice..please:

We need to start now.

Should we build / use "old" version 1.4.xx ( of course newest release) and upgrade to 1.5 when its ready, or should we use the 1.5 Beta 3 version? We plan to run the web-shop online app. 15 of April.

At that time I would assume the final version would be ready.

Logically we would use the 1.5 beta, but I read earlier on this forum, that it, in fact, was not as easy to upgrade" ??

What version (1.4xx or 1.5xx) would be brightest and easiest to upgrade to final release?

I know this topic has been up before, but, to my knowledge, no answer has been given.

B.r. Kim

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I tested beta 3 of version 1.5 and found major, significant bugs in it. I would suggest starting with 1.4, at least to get familiar with the platform. They have hinted that you will be able to upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 in other forum posts, so the upgrade may not be as bad as you think.

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Yepp, I think it also depends on the features you need? If you do not need all the new fancy stuff you probably should stick with the 1.4.7.

I have faith in the new version but from experience even the final version will need certain updates to have the most bugs really fixed. You should definitely not start with one of the beta versions!!! They are far from production ready and upgrade/update would be a pain -- no just say - it is not an option and forget about that.

Regards, trip

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I tested beta 3 of version 1.5 and found major, significant bugs in it. I would suggest starting with 1.4, at least to get familiar with the platform. They have hinted that you will be able to upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 in other forum posts, so the upgrade may not be as bad as you think.

if you need multi-site or go with 1.5 keeping in mind that some possible bugs will be on your responsibility or go with another solution (which is not our case ;) ), or go with 1.4 if multi-site not needed

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