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[SOLVED] What is a cover image?


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Just in general. I guess the one made cover is the image that will be used on category type displays. All other images will just be used for the end product display page only, just to add more product views within thick box ... ?

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I'm sorry, I'll try to be more clear. In Admin when you add a product and then add images for the product you must choose one image for a "cover".


I think I have it figured out ... the cover is the image that will be used on category type displays. All other images that you add for a product will be used only on the product display page and will add more product views within the thick box feature.


I've never used a cart before. Up ontil now I have always used static HTML web sites.

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Ahhh I see. Yes, the cover image is the main one that is displayed on the product and category pages if there are multiple uploaded images. If you only upload one image for a product, that will be automatically set as the cover photo by default. I'm glad you were able to figure this out though!



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