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I want to create 5 shops. Id like to administrate one main shop. 4 other shops will be something like minishops / microsites for special cathegory of the main shop. Data will be loaded automatically form the main one.

So when I make changes in the main shop, they will be transfered also into other shops.


Does anyone have any suggestions how to deal with that ???


Thanks for answer


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Hi everyone!


Instead of starting a new thread with the same question, I´ll write here and hope with the bump of the thread, we both get an answer! ;) cause I´m looking for the same!, and maybe a lot more people are interested in this functionality.


A video from youtube explaining this!.. in this case is the IBM commerce who got this implemented, but I would love to see it in Prestashop, and maybe who knows, its already there!



Any help regarding micro-sites, subsites, etc.. will be appreciated.


Thanks all for the help.

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