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Information movie in pop up window

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I have decided to create a movie instructing my clients on how to pay and download our digital product.
The link to the movie is in the INFORMATION area, which was previously delivery and now I have changed it to download.
I have a link in there that enables my client to view the movies - just duplicated the code below|:

{l s='Home'}{l s='Home'}

and modified to with the addition of the link to :

{l s='Home'}{l s='Step by step movie'}

only problem is it replaces the page with the movie page - is there a way of getting it to open up in a separate pop up window:

Also what kind of code is the page written in as I would like to find out more about it
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There are two ways you can open a link in a new window. You can do it the following way:

or this way:

The first way works better with tabbed browsers, but isn't standards compliant like the second way. It is up to you to decide which way you want to do it.

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