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Show blockcart if at least 1 product

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I've already seen my problem on different topics, but couldn't find any working solution. Is it possible to show the blockcart module only when the user adds a product in it ?


I've tried to modify blockcart.php by adding :


global $cart; if (count($cart->getProducts()) == 0) return;


But that didn't do the trick, the page needs to be refreshed.


I've also removed the "return;" in ajax-cart.js line 140, didn't work either.


Any ideas ?



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You can add the css propertie "display:none" to the cart module, and change it automatically with the javascript function that adds a product to the cart.By this way the cart is not showed until a product is added.


To show permanently the cart when loading other page you can add a conditional to the blockcart module tpl file, something like if there is no products, aply class "display:none",else a "display:block".


Hope it helps you.

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