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[SOLVED] Home resulting in a 404 error

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Big trouble I think. I enabled friendly-URL and generated a .htaccess file and now I get a 404 error when I call my website URL, everything else seems to work. I have deleted the .htaccess file and turned off friendly-URL, but still not seeing the homepage.


Has anybody got any ideas on how I can correct this problem as I do not want to reinstall if I can get away with it.


Thanks, tasman.

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Hi Mike,


The error shows up on the homepage. Instead of seeing the slider images and the featured products, I see the error. The side bars are all in place, but the centre part is missing. I have attached an image for reference.


Thanks, tasman.


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Great, I'm glad you were able to resolve this! In terms of your smarty cache, you can do this via FTP. Delete everything EXCEPT index.php in your tools/smarty/cache and tools/smarty/compile directories, and that will clear it for you. I'll go ahead and mark this thread as solved for you. Happy selling!



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