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Somtimes 404-when click on CMS Links


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I have a 404 problem on my site there are a few CMS Pages on my website like About us, Contact, Delivery etc... Normally when I click on these it will show the content of the page, however quite often it shows 404-Page not found and if I try to re-click again for a few more times the CMS pages works again and shows the correct content!


I am using, I'll appreciate any help so that I can get rid of the problem.

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This is a bug. I'm using V1.4.7.0 and the links work great from product pages, but not from CMS pages. It appears that .htaccess is not getting the proper rewriting.

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hannes01, I have found in V1.4.7.0 that if you are using a footer module that contains hard coded links, that the link must be rewritten.


For example, in my themes footer tpl, I found links to product pages formatted like this,


<li><a href="new-products.php">{l s='New products' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>


And links to CMS pages are,


<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=3">{l s='Terms and conditions' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>



This no longer works in V1.4.7.0. Instead you must format links to product pages like so,


<li><a href="/{$lang_iso}/new-products.php">{l s='New products' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>


Notice the addition of /{$lang_iso}/


Once again, here is the old link,


<li><a href="new-products.php">{l s='New products' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>


And the new link,


<li><a href="/{$lang_iso}/new-products.php">{l s='New products' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>



With the CMS pages you need to add {$base_dir}{$lang_iso}


Here is the old CMS link,


<li><a href="cms.php?id_cms=3">{l s='Terms and conditions' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>


Here is the new,


<li><a href="{$base_dir}{$lang_iso}/cms.php?id_cms=3">{l s='Terms and conditions' mod='tmfooterlinks'}</a></li>


Keep in mind this will work with V1.4.7.0.This will not work with the latest SNV code, Prestashop V1.4.8.0. Unfortunately THAT version doesn’t currently work with anything, and the developers seem very happy with that. They don’t seem to consider it a "bug" if they break all existing modules and themes currently on sale in the add on store. I really don’t know whom they think V1.4.8.0 is going to be used by. It’s not compatible with anything out there and will just end up frustrating end users.

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Great! :)


The two problems that may affect the way the link is made, is if you have friendly urls turned on and/or more than one language.


Very glad to hear you have found a solution that works for you.

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