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New Categories Not Appearing

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For some reason all of a sudden when I am creating new categories / subcategories, it says it was successfully created but I cannot find the category anywhere? If I create it as a subcategory, it will appear on the backend but when i try to put an item in it, that new subcategory doesn't appear on the Create Item page to where i can put that item in that subcategory. Also the created categories don't appear on the front end.



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  • 2 months later...

I'm having the same problem with new categories not appearing in the Categories Block. They do show up in the site map, though. It is not a cache problem, I've checked that. Also, when I changed the name of two categories: the change appears everywhere, but not in the Categories Block.


I've tried:

1. Resetting the Categories Block in modules (as someone suggested in another post).

2. Disabling and re-enabling the Categories Block.

3. Deleting and reinstalling the Categories Block.


Any other ideas?

Here's the site: www.herebebooks.com/onlinestore

The new category is Imported Games. You can see it in the Site Map.

The categories whose names I changed are OOP Board Games and OOP Roleplaying Games (subcategories of Out-of-Print Games). You can see they show correctly everywhere but in the Categories Block.


Not sure what else to try.

Edited by WebWoman (see edit history)
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