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[Barcamp 5] Meet the whole PrestaShop team in New York City!


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Hi PrestaShop Community,


As you certainly know, in only 15 days will take place in New York City the fifth edition of the PrestaShop Barcamp, the most important PrestaShop Community event!


Do not hesitate to come and discuss about that in the dedicated Barcamp 5 Forum :

- will you come or not? Why?

- what do you expect from this event?

- you know NYC ? Do not hesitate to make suggestions for visiting!

- you want to make a little presentation for the Community.

- any other thing...


Thanks a lot.


Hope to see you soon in NYC. ;)



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Hi Patric


I would LOVE to participate - I wanted to go to France last Autumn, but this Bar Camp was held mostly in French which I would not benefit from (I checked with Carl who invited me to participate in a workshop for another event), .


I have seriously considered the Bar Camp in New York, however, as it was in France, it is not placed adjacent to a weekend, so for people to attend, they have to spend quite a few work days to get there and back - (for me it would be 4 weekdays off to attend one day's Bar Camp). So in other words, too expensive with travel expenses and taking time off. Therefore, I suggest that in the future, you plan these Bar Camps on a Friday or a Monday, so that people from Europe wishing to participate in the English Bar Camp can do so without using too many days (and perhaps bring familily along for a prolonged weekend). In that case, I would definitely attend.



Ann Karina Robson


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Hi Prestafan1234,


Thank you for you interesting reply.

This is this kind of feedback which help us to always improve the quality of our events.


We always ask people what they would like to find in such events, but we often forget to ask them why they do not want to or cannot come. Though, this is may be the most important information to know.


I'm sad you won't come. But be sure I will forward your suggestion to the Barcamp organizers.



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