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[ Module ] Booking and express delivery - QUESTION

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I have a flower shop and I have bought the module - Booking and express delivery - and wish to add some extra features, because it does not serve the flower shop.


1) α) be able to specify the first day deliver and how many hours wiil be in front of a particular time that would put me to the customer can choose to betray the order of.

(eg.1-- if the time is now Monday 11:45, and i want to Delivery Day on Monday { same day delivery }


eg.2-- if the time is now Monday 11:45, and i want to first Delivery Day { choice next day delivery } on Tuesday if the order completed for 17:00 the same day. Time passes… -- if the time is now Monday 17:30 and now to first Delivery Day on Wednesday


Eg3-- if the time is now Monday 11:45 and i want to first Delivery Day { choice two days delivery } on Wednesday if the order completed for 17:00 the same day. Time passes… -- if the time is now Monday 17:30 and now to first Delivery Day on Thursday.)


2) Automatic deactivation of days elapsed and there is no longer available for delivery.

(eg. if the time is now Monday 11:45 and two months ago the previous days can not be selected).


3) α) All these, must be SEPARATELY FOR EACH COUNTRY and state, because each country and state has different delivery hours and delivery days and different holidays.

B) I want also, to be able to set the time zone in each country (if this is better automatic otherwise be possible to enter manually) so that the intervals between the hours and days to current-to-right time for the region that would become the sending

4) The country and the state will be displayed the appropriate delivery picker will be that chosen by the customer for for delivery address.


What will it cost??


Many Thanks

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Hi, sorry to bother you. I have no answer for your question but I have a question for you! I also bought this module and I don´t understand how it works, the categories I have don´t appear in the settings!

Could you give me some guide? I wrote four days ago to Prestashop support but they didn´t answer me yet.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I purchased this too and not having any joy with it


The calender appears, but the user cannot select any dates! if anyone has any guide to using ti would be great


Over €70 for this is very expensive for something that doesnt work


Submitted a support request to Prestashop but no repsonse so going to give it 1 out of 5 in the review

Edited by Aloud (see edit history)
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