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A few problems with PrestaShop

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Hi everyone,


I'm new here I'm about to start my own online shop with Presta. I already have some start up problems so here are my questions. I hope someone can help me.


1) My hostprovider has PrestaShop as an option. So I installed it and I see all the possiblilties, however if I click on view my page... no page or demo page is showing up. Only my host with my webdomian.


2) Where are the themes? I know there are many themes to choose from which you can buy. But I cannot find them anywhere. There is no button or link from PrestaShop where you can view and get a theme. In wordpress you have these options to scroll the themes and buy one. I don't know how to install a theme in PrestaShop.


3) Are there any free themes available to practice with? And can you swich from theme later on without having to build your shop al over again.


4) How do you install a back up in PrestaShop


5) Is it possible to have two languages without having to make 2 shops. Is there a plugin where a customer can choose English ( instead of Dutch ) with the rest of the shop staying intact.


Greetings and thanks,


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you can find themes in the prestashop store. in the menu its called "addons". you can also google for prestashop themes, and you will find many sites that offer them for free or sale.


for languages, prestashop performs realtime translations. so you only run a single shop, and based on the users selected language preference, the correct language will display.

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I cannot find the addons. Well online, but I don't see it anywhere in the administration panel to import or upload the themes. Even not in the tool bar


Can you do your own translation or is the computer doing the translations for you. I rather write my own translations.




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Yes, I found the add ons thank you!!.


So I got a free theme to experiment with. It's called velvetsky-prestashop.zip. Can I just upload this as a zip file. How should I upload a template. Does it have to be a zip or can it also be a map.




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I'm not sure what a map is, but it is expected that you just upload the zip file using the theme installer. The content of the zip is supposed to be structured in the correct format, so I am assuming the author of the theme has already done this.

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Hi Anna12,


You say that your host provider has PrestaShop as an option, do you mean that you only had to click on a button for your host to automatically install PrestaShop?


Which version did it install?


Carefully check that your theme is compatible with your PrestaShop version.

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Hi thanks, I have prestashop 1.4.


I atleast uploaded 6 free themes. I get all the time "Bad configurtion file. Is there nowhere a free trial theme from presta that actually works. I keep trying. The zip files look perfect with all the content in it. Why doens't it just work.


Have anyone a working trial theme for 1.4 before I'm gonna buy one?


Thanks for your help!

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1.4.7 it's an automatical install from my webhost. ( instrallon ) So I didn't do it manually. It says. 1.4.7. I already managed to view store. And then I just get the Presta shop logo. I took away the index.html. So I don't even have a demo yet.


However I just have serious problems with uploading a theme / shop. With every one of them I get an error message. : (




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