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New pictures not showing up in FO when I add them in BO

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My category thumbnails aren't showing up in the FO.

This is only for new images that I add in now, old ones I can see and product images are fine.

The main category images show up fine but not the thumbnails.

This is a link for one of them: http://domain.com.au/shop/c/en-default-medium/image-name.jpg

It seems to have been generated and is in the right folder but just not showing up.


Im using

This seemed to happen after I used the Move Images function. Have regenerated images but nothing. I also created a new image called medium_cats wonder if there is a step I missed??


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It seems to have been generated and is in the right folder but just not showing up.


So you have, for example, an image named 9-medium.jpg or 13-medium.jpg in /img/c/ folder?


If you do, try regenerating your .htaccess file. If this does not work, check and compare the file and group permissions of the images not displaying to that of the one that displays.

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I've got 9-medium_cats.jpg and 13-medium_cats.jpg


The ones that are working don't have the _cats on the end. I added a new image preference called medium_cats so the pictures it would fit the whole box rather that being little squares.


If I take _cats off then they seem to work fine, but I must have stuffed something up so I cant do it from the back office properly.


I've regenerated the htaccess file but no change



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